
Cloak of Ignorance

Many a time, people believe their own version of self-perpetuating, pre-conceived notions to ‘cloak’ their mental abilities. All it does is inflate their egos further, blinding them from ignorance negating critical thinking. I recently posted about Holi and it ‘upset’ some people that, I being a #Sikh, should endorse Hola Mohalla instead (a Sikh tradition,…

War – backward is raw! (Poem)

Those who know me on a personal level, always encourage and push me to write more. Creative writing isn’t something that one plans. It is a combination of ‘raw’ emotions, sentiments, pain, feelings, or all of them mixed together for the ink to flow through the pen. I’m not a poet or laureate by any…

Suicide Awareness & Prevention

The world population is tending to 8 billion human beings as I write this article. One thing in common amongst all the approximate 7.75 billion human inhabitants of this beautiful planet, is life as we know it. The process of birth, growing up, living and breathing, and finally death. This process has repeated itself from…

Rare Lunar Eclipse of 2021

It has been a while since I’ve updated my blog space. Life, it seems is moving at light speed sometimes. As an avid space lover and nature seeker, the year 2021 was a blessing in terms of lunar eclipses. I am exactly a month behind this blog post, as an extremely rare partial lunar eclipse…


Thanksgiving Day (or weekend) is one of the most celebrated holidays in many parts of the world. Second only to Christmas, this day brings together family and friends for joyous get-togethers to celebrate; give thanks and show gratitude for the blessings they have in their lives. To rejoice and cherish for the smiles. It is…

Why we must collectively rebuff Racism!

I haven’t been able to write and post on my blog recently. Writing is my therapy, that keeps me happy and cheerful. It’s even more rewarding when you connect with diverse people out there. Sometimes who are on the same journey as you are but, just as significantly, those who are not. Communicating on a…


Taking small steps! Courage Amazing read and strong moral .. sharing with love!

Bennett Heritage Trail (Ballinafad, Ontario)

Happy Easter Long Weekend everyone! The weather is forecasted to be gracious in this part of the world. Gorgeous sunshine and warmth, melting the lingering ice away into crystal clear trickling water. Good Friday holiday 2021 was a blessing in terms of such a bright warm day in Caledon, Ontario. A perfect tailor-made day for…

The Cosmic Dance

Tandav, or also known as Tandava Natyam, is a divine dance form attributed to Hindu mythological deities. There are various Godheads ascribed to Tandav, but Rudra Tandav, is by far the most prominent known for Rudra’s (Shiva) anger and destructive emotion. There are various mythological accounts as to what spurred the most revered deity on…

Cheltenham Trail (Caledon)

Another fine weekend comes to a close and another awesome hike along Bruce Trail through Caledon. This time around, newly-found Cheltenham Trail. It’s not even suggested on Alltrails but happened to stumble upon it while searching the map for nearby hiking trails. Fortunately, found a gem of a trail to discover with little tykes. They…


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